This class is online. Full interactive class excercises and assingments will be provided.
This level goes beyond describing physical objects and subjects, and focuses on expressing one's daily activity, habits, states of mind, likes and dislikes, agreement or disagreement. To this end, a lot of new verbs (in the present tense) and adjectives are included. Such as: finish, start, eat, read, do, return, it's cold, it's hot, a lot, enough, etc.
In addition, this section covers Job related topics, from the names of professions, through speaking on the phone and asking for somebody in a formal way, to explaining a day at work and travel to and from work.
Lastly, this course introduces the full conjugation (including "vosotros", "nosotros" and "ellos") for the most important verbs.
Cost of Materials: $35 purchase of book or $45 refundable fee upon return of book. Note, a single book is used for 3 courses: Spanish 1.1, 1.2, 1.3. "ELE actual A1".
If needed, you may do a level quiz below. ! ↓
